Finding a rhythm and getting back into routines in the beginning of the year can feel challenging on its own.
If you are looking into making changes in your life but are not quite sure how to go about it, it might be useful to start with a pause:
Take a moment to reflect what is important to you - in yourself and in your life - and why. How do these values show in your life as it is? Is anything arising that you would like to have more? Are there any behaviours that are not supportive? Is it possible to let them go? The change you want to make does not have to be huge and can be on any area of life.
When you have an idea of what you would like to maintain, add or remove, think about one or two concrete actions that help you get started. Best is to focus on fewer actions rather than many. Dividing the action into really small steps (like writing down a phone number but not picking up the phone yet) can feel odd but setting simple goals will help you to begin. Ticking a box or two gives a sense of achievement, which is crucial when establishing new habits.
Here are my 4 tips for making changes in a mindful way. How about making 2020 a kinder year for yourself? What would that look like?
1. Begin. You don't need to see over the horizon yet. Focus on 'the now': begin with one doable step and build from there. Small and simple steps will build back confidence.
2. Trust. Follow what is right for you. Being around like-minded people can help keep going. Or you might prefer to work independently. See how much time you need just to be between activities. What time of the day do you have most energy and when is it best to ease off? Build a habit to listen to the inner voice in what is right in each moment.
3. Be kind. Be kind to yourself. Taking a break once in a while is healthy and doesn't mean that you will stray from the course permanently. Research shows that treating oneself with kindness is more effective in maintaining positive habits than being hard on oneself.
4. Breathe. Whatever you are doing, check that you are not holding your breath. Whenever you remember during the day, check where your breath is going and how it feels to breathe. This increases the awareness and connection with the body and can bring an instant sense of calm when the mind is overly busy.